Itz moovie time!!
Hopefully, you took good notes from the last class on how to use iMovie. . .but if you didn't, there are some video links in webCT that should help explain the project. Ensure you get a printed copy of the checklist, check that you have completed every requirement, then ask for me or a peer who has been checked off to grade your project. As we are not also doing a social justice movie, I have higher expectations for the finished product. . .create a good PSA that may encourage someone to attend CSUSM. . .and don't forget to insert some relevant data!
I'm sure you are all knee-deep in work, but you have all evening to work on your movie and any unfinished work you may have. My goal is to get everything graded this weekend so that you can make any corrections Tuesday evening and then begin to write the narratives! If you are all caught up, you can begin to write the narratives this weekend. . .and don't forget about retaking the EdTechProfile.
We will work on the narratives on Tuesday. . .start really thinking about which assignments or past work should be used as artifacts for the NETS-T. Look back at your Inspiration and add information that represents your newly acquired MAD TECH SKILLZ!
Tonight's Question: Who has been your favorite teacher and why? What makes a good teacher?
A professor here at CSUSM, Dr. Norris, is my favorite teacher. I have taken three physiology courses taught by him and all three have been inspiring. He makes difficult material easy to understand by providing practical examples of varying concepts. He has a great sense of humor and treats every student with respect. He makes himself available for last minute cram sessions and is flexible when a student is in need of additional help. What makes a good teacher? Someone who is passionate about what they do, a humanitarian at heart, do not take themselves too seriously but has a spine.
Who has been your favorite teacher and why? What makes a good teacher?
I have a few, but my favorite teacher when I was younger was my 6th grade teacher. She made learning extremely interactive and exciting. That was the year I truly became interested in history and have been ever since. When we learned about the Egyptians, Cave men, and Greeco-Roman era's we did projects, art, book reports, a class play, and we even had a dress up day where we dressed up like whatever era we were learning about and had a feast like they would. For cave men day- we ate on the floor in with our hands! I think a good teacher is someone who is passionate about the subjects their teaching and are able to gets their students passionate about it too.
My favorite teacher when I was younger is a man named Mr. Monahan. I remember him so clearly even though I was only in third grade. His love for education really had an impact on his students. He really and truly cared for each and every one of us. Even to this day he constantly has old students going back to his classroom to visit him. I remember I was able to understand things on a different level. He allowed learning to become an enjoyable experience. What makes a good teacher is someone who can reach their students from different levels, from someone who is maybe struggling to someone who needs no instruction. A good teacher needs to be passionate about what they do and really enjoy their contribution to education.
My favorite teacher and one of the reasons I am in school to become one was my 6th and 7th grade teacher Mr. Kilroy. Our 6th grade class was his first class ever. He was an accountant before deciding to be a teacher in his 50s. He was great. He took the time to get to know his students and always challenged me to do better and go beyond what I could accomplish.
I think a great teacher takes the time to connect with their students and notice when the student is "not themself". By making a connection with their students it helps a teacher realize what students need to succeed in their classroom.
I would Have to say that my favorite teacher was from High School she taught us a couple of subjects mainly, english and history. I had her all throughout my high school experience and she was a real role model to me. She practiced what she preached and truly cared and I think that makes all the difference in the world when it comes to teachers!
One of my favorite teachers was a Bil Janel at Palomar College. I had always despised history classes, but he changed the way I feel about them. He was inspiring and made the class interesting and easy to understand. He loved his job and his students. He was even willing to help students outside of class with other classes they might be having trouble with.
My favorite teacher has been History Professor Darel Engen here at CSUSM. He is just so passionate about the subjects that he teaches and it is really obvious when he lectures. He also provides a lot of visual and oral sources that make the lessons a lot more interestinig. His mannerisms and public speaking skills are also great!
I think being a good teacher requires a lot of passion for the subjects being taught. I also think that good teachers know how to alter their voices so as not to sound monotonous. Good teachers also use simple language and integrate other sources with their lectures.
I will remember my high school History teacher back in Brazil. I liked him because he had a very dynamic way of teaching that makes every class so "real". Besides, he was funny!
I have had a lot of really great teachers! The first two who come to mind are my high school bio/ag teacher and Dr. Miller who was my womens studies and statistics professor at palomar college. They both took an interest in their students lives not just thier grades in the class. They were also very passionate and dynamic educators. I attribute my being here to both of them! My bio teacher was the first person to talk to me about going to college and Dr. Miller was the first person to encourage me to go to grad school!
Mr. King was my favorite teacher all-time. He was my 2nd and 6th grade teacher. Mr. King was a former 1956 track star who won an Olympic gold medal in the 100m. I learned the whole curriculum from his teaching style. He made everything fun but yet learned the same time. He passed away 5 years ago and if he was still here I would visit him many times. What makes a great teacher is making someone grow as an successful human being. That shows that the teacher cares. Very important! Make teaching FUN!
I had a law professor who I was very close to. He and I were probably the only liberals at St. John's University and he was very smart too.
He was also kind and generous - kind of a rarity in that enviornment.
My favorite teacher was Ms. Ringgold, my AP Calculus teacher. I have never met anyone so dedicated to her students. She was straight out of Stand and Deliver, meeting us before and after school for study sessions (usually she brought food!). Above all she was human and she really knew all of her students and genuinely cared about us.
The teacher who most stands out for me was my 10th grade biology teacher, Mr. Engberg. He always wore a white lab coat so with his crazy hair he looked like a "mad doctor". He made time for everyone but in return, expected the absolute best from us. He was different and quirky and made his classes fun.
Good teachers are passionate about what they do and make their students want to do their best.
My favorite teacher was my ninth grade English/History teacher, Mr. Devlin. He was a huge movie buff and we got to examine a lot of classic movies (like Rear Window, Vertigo, and Strangers on a Train). I had a great time in that class because he related the subject matter in ways that we could understand, linking it with modern humor. I'd like to be a teacher like that someday!
My favorite teacher would have to be my first grade teacher Mrs. Means. I was having a tough time in class and felt like I would never move foward. Yes, I can remember how I felt in first grade. Anways she was a positive women and she inspired me to become a teacher. I will never forget her through out the years.
My favorite teacher was my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Cordova. To this day I remember things we did in the class. She really made learning fun. Plus, when I run into her (which I do from time to time) she still remembers my name! A good teacher is one who makes a lasting impression on you. A good teacher is one who is passionate about what they teach. A good teacher is one who can communicate well with students/faculty/parents.
My favorite teacher was a high school math teacher; her name is Mrs. Myers. The reason that she is my favorite teacher is because she was engaging and involving.
My favorite teacher was my algebra two teacher in high school. He was the nicest man I have ever met. he truly cared about his students learning and also their well being. He inspired me to become a teacher and i will never forget him! i believe a good teacher is someone who not only teaches their students how to be book smart but also teaches them tools for life and shows their students that they are important. i think a good teacher is someone who can talk to their students on a personal level and create a safe environment for all types of learners.
I've had a lot of favorite teachers. The teachers that inspire me the most are those who make their classrooms very student-centered, actively engage the class and treat their students as a team of cooperative learners. In elementary school, my favorite teachers always had a lot of creative projects throughout the year that made the subject matter real for the students and connected it to the real world. That is kind of teacher I hope to be.
My favorite teacher was Mr. Woods from high school Algebra 2. What was so great about him is that he understood I hate math and it took a lot of energy and studying for me to truly understand the subject. He let me take off my socks and would answer any question I had no matter how many times I asked him the same question. He just made it more fun and I ended up getting a B in the class. A great teacher realizes that students are different in their learning style and their previous knowledge of the subject matter and works together to create the most comfortable studying atmosphere and is patient.
Why it's you of course...
Truthfully though, the one I recall the most was my ... crap, I don't really recall any great teachers. I had a great mentor in college, does that count? I've got one! My high school AP Calc teacher; she actually cared whether or not I learned something in her class. That was good.
My favorite teacher was my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Santibanez. She really taught me how to appreciate learning and understand the importance of education. I remember having to read books to do book reports and she kept us motivated by showing the rest of the class how many books that we read.
My obvious choice of favorite teacher is professor Heil of EDUC 422 because of his patience, empathy, fashion sense, and musical acumen in choosing the classroom soundtrack.
My favorite teacher was my 7th grade Language Arts teacher. She is the reason why I want to teach middle school English. When I was in 7th grade, it was my first year at the middle school and I was extremely intimidated and felt out of my element. She had a way of making every student in the class feel like a genius while creating a sense of community between all of us. She encouraged us to be better persons through her lessons and instilled in me a love of good literature. She showed me how a good book can change your life. I believe that a good teacher will introduce you to something that changes your life for the better.
My favorite teacher has to be Professor Huspek in the communications department. I took every class he offered at Cal State. I loved him because his class was not only interesting but difficult. I think the best teachers are the ones who challenge you and push you in ways you never thought of. Along with challenging the best teachers give you all the necessary tools to finish the challenge. At the end of the semester you know the good grade you got was one you truly earned and that is a good feeling
One of my favorite teachers was an English literature teacher I had at Palomar. Her class and her dedication is what made me so interested in English literature and what drove me to get my BA in it.
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