I just upgraded my iPhone to the new 2.0 firmware. . .wow, is it kewl.
So here we are @ week two. I hope that you are getting used to the pace of the course and are doing your best to keep up. . .I know it is fast, but don't give up. You should begin to become ONE with the MAC, which will make the class, and your life much easier ;-)
You should be working on your Newsletter, Journal(s), and keeping your iGoogle/Blog looking great. . .also, some people either didn't register for TaskStream or didn't use the self-enroll codes I put on the blog. . .I received an email that 14 students on my list weren't in the class. . .help me out with this!!
Today, I would like to see you add a few new features to your blog. Once you are signed into your blog and viewing it, click "Customize" and then "Add a new Page Element" on your right or left-hand column. Add a links list, give it a kewl name, and add a link to the class blog, taskstream, ISTE, edtechprofile, webct6, del.icio.us, and. . .whatever you can think of. . .we will also add your Del.icio.us clouds on your blogs!!!
Tuesday Class: we will be introduced to the NETS for teachers and students, PowerPoint, ISTE, and . . .perhaps the wiki. We will also discuss Thursday evening's events.
Journal 2: "The Laptops are Coming! The Laptops are Coming" by Sarah Heller McFarlane offers an interesting look into a school that received a large tech grant. Be sure to follow the link to the Digital Youth Network she mentions at the end of the article!
This week's question: What is your current favorite "timesucker" on the web? Timesucker is a term that I coined about a site you visit that, once on, takes up hours of your valuable time. . .
A timesucker, huh... I guess one for me would be youtube. So many interesting and bizarre videos!
There are actually two big timesuckers for me. Since I am in a sorority here on campus, I can spend hours on our private website. It is constantly being updated. The second (I agree with the last comment) is youtube. There is so much to see on there, it could take up hours of my time.
Since I don't have TV I go to the Daily Show website and watch new episodes as well as some old favorites of mine for a good laugh.
Okay, I have to admit it's YouTube. Mainly, I'm looking for old songs that you don't hear anymore on the radio. Or, those obscure songs that almost
NO ONE plays (i.e., The Dittybops - check 'em out). I also like checking out old TV shows that aren't syndicated or are long-forgotten. Also, every Thursday, my 10-year old son, Nathan, anxiously awaits the new "Fred" video which gets him rolling on the floor. I like watching him watch Fred. I also love history, so I look up historical websites (Gettysburg, etc.). I don't watch much TV, so YouTube is my entertainment.
Google. Google sucks up all my spare time
My timesucker would have to be Facebook. I am absolutely obsessed with the thing and I love tagging photos. It also keeps me in touch with my friends that are away to college or that I have made who attend universities across the US and even overseas.
Hmm...I would have to say Youtube and Facebook are the two sites I go to on a regular basis.
A timesucker for for me would have to be myspace! I check it every single day and sometimes I am on there forever! I'm addicted!
I would have to say youtube also. I watch so many hilarious videos and sports clips that I missed. But yeah youtube would be my timesucker.
YouTube, Google, foodie & photography blogs...lots of time wasted!
A timesucker for me is YouTube! There is pretty much anything on there...one video takes you to the next and the next...this can go on for hours for me- sad, but true.
I would have to say youtube also. I watch so many hilarious videos and sports clips that I missed. But yeah youtube would be my timesucker.
My current "timesucker" is blackboard since I am required by my job to create a couple high school courses...and definitely one I'm on, don't expect to speak with me for the rest of the day :-D
Definitely facebook and youtube. Once I go on facebook I'm usually on for awhile. Especially if I make a photo album! Same with youtube, I love finding humorous videos!
As embarrassing as it may be to admit, I would have to say myspace is definitely my timesucker}:[ I know it's lame but it can also be hilarious and I have been reunited with a lot of old friends through that timesucking device!
My timesucker would have to be Amazon and youtube. I like to shop online and watch videos of old TV shows
I have two major timesuckers on the internet, the first timesucker would have to be Facebook. I love talking to people I probably would have never kept in contact with otherwise. The other site I am totally obsessed with is the mls listings that my real estate agent gave me access to.
Whenever I need a study break I usually end up at Comedy Central. I like to read the jokes or watch clips of stand-up comedians.
Probably Facebook and U-tube. Occasionally I'll find myself searching on designer's websites whose designs I can't afford. Such a waste of time.
My biggest timesucker on the Internet is Surfline.com. There are new videos and pictures all the time. Also, there is the surf forecast
Unfortunately one of my timesuckers is myspace (which I plan on deleting once I become a teacher or even earlier). Google, Youtube, and NBC are other timesuckers (I like to watch recent SNL videos)!
Oh for sure YouTube! How can you not get sucked into those videos? I love looking up old music videos from my early high school days. I must say that I also spend some decent time on Facebook and Myspace too.
I would say it has to be youtube. Actually, here is one of my all-time favorite ones, you should take a look ;-),
It is, simply put, awesome!
My timesucker is Lime Wire, I have been looking for songs I would like to play at my wedding!
I used to play backgammon online it took up hours and hours of my time but I have sworn off it now that that time does not exist.
I'm sorry but I do not spend hours online!! When I have an assignment I like to spend time doing resource for my paper.
My favorite timesucker on the internet is email. My girlfriends and I email each other daily to say "hi", let each other know how the day is going, or to gossip and share photos or funny things that happened to us throughout the day. When you are writing to and responding to five different girls, the time you spend emailing starts to add up!
It's a tossup between Crooks and Liars and myspace. The first is to get angry about politics and the second is to interact with friends and stalk ex-girlfriends.
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