Is it really the end? To the best of my knowledge, I believe that everyone has survived the summer with minimal scarring. I have graded almost everything (the journals/web 2.0 are actually graded, but I need to input the grades). . .you should be finishing your CSUSM movie (don't forget the data on the college), taking the EdTechProfile again, adding all assignments that you can to the blog, and getting any revisions in ASAP.
Tonight we will be working on the NETS-T narratives and discussing which artifacts should go where. . .no small accomplishment. You will also share your work in small groups to give each other feedback and support.
Please check your grades and ask any questions about any assignment that you might have had returned. There were a few students who are missing some assignments. I won't penalize you, but your window for any necessary revisions is quickly closing. . .
Hmn. . .don't forget that leaving comments at the end of each blog is part of your attendance/participation grade. . .
Today's Question: What has been your favorite assignment in this class and why? What about your least favorite?
I would say that my favorite assignment in this class was the iMovie. I had never used this software before (or created a movie for that matter) and I really enjoyed the process. I would love to incorporate this within my own classroom one day!
So, it is looking like my least favorite is going to be the iMovie. So many hours for one little minute! I did have a lot of fun making my blog though and I feel so tech savvy now that I can "embed" and "hyperlink" and such.
My favorite assignment in the class was the imovie project because it was very interesting to work with something that was so new to me. My least favorite assignment would have to have been the copyright assignment. Though it was not hard, I still found it to be the least interesting.
The movie by far. The most creative and interactive and fun!!!!!!!
Ok, this is getting repetitive, but the iMovie was my definitely my favorite assignment. I would have never had the opportunity to take advantage of software like this and I know I will use this software in my classroom to record projects that we've done and showcase the work to the class.
My favorite assignment would probably be the blog assignment. Even though I have experience in technology and software I have never made a blog before. My least favorite would be the Imovie assignment. I have made some movies before with this software that I did not learn much.
My favorite assignment was working on the the iMovie and adding things to my blog. I really liked working with Inspiration too, I can see myself using it again in the futre. My least favorite was the social bookmarking becasue I found it to be a bit tedious.
My favorite assignment was the Newsletter. I had fun designing it and learning how to put on e together. My least favorite was the copyright...it was kind of boring.
I've enjoyed quite a few of the assignments. I have really liked the blog. It's been fun to learn how to post everything on there- quick links, powerpoints, delicious- everything! & It's all in one place! I also liked the Newsletter and PowePoint because I feel like I learned alot through those assignments and they both are assignments that will be very useful to use as a teacher. The assignment I liked least was probably the imovie because it was frustrating, but I still learned a lot and it was kind of fun!
I really enjoyed putting together the Newsletter and plus I learned a few tricks with the clip art. I would have to say I did not like the power point rubric mostly because of all of the formatting problems that my group and I ran in to!
I really enjoyed putting together the Newsletter and plus I learned a few tricks with the clip art. I would have to say I did not like the power point rubric mostly because of all of the formatting problems that my group and I ran in to!
You know what I would probably say the iMovie because you get to create your own little movie clip about CSUSM. Just being creative makes it so fun. I would have to say the least interesting would be the journals, too much reading for the summer.
Hmmm...well, I would have to say that I liked making the Newsletter and the blog equally. They both allowed me to be creative and were not too complicated. I did like the iMovie until it started to give me problems. Since that assignment gave me a headache, I would say that it was the one I liked the least.
My favorite assignment was the newsletter. My least favorite...having to post EVERYTHING in the blog. I'm not a fan of blogging, it requires upkeep.
The NETS-T was fun, it was a lot of work for me, but I did it, and I liked putting together twice. My lease favorite assignment was/is the imovie...it just take up so much time...uh
I most loved creating the blog! I enjoy updating it at home and considering things to add to the profile. I like that it's available to view on the internet, if anyone is interested in looking for it. Working on the blog has helped me overcome some tech fear. For the least favorite, it would have to be the copyright. It was kind of dry, but necessary.
My favorite assignment was probably our movies or the wiki because they both allowed me to be creative which I like and I learned something new at the same time! I least like copyright assignment because it was rater cheesy, monotonous and boring! But...all in all on a grand scale i have enjoyed the class :)
I feel that the education system currently puts an emphasis on grades over learning. Again the goal should be competency and learning. Putting a value on learning pushes individuals to do the best that they can do. As a teacher you need to push for excellence from all of your students and provide them with corrective feedback. Grades are not everything! I have received an A in classes where I didn't learn anything, and lower grades in classes where I learned a lot and worked really hard. If I had a class that was pass/fail I would work just as hard
I enjoyed all of the assignments that involved creativity, particularly the Blog, Newsletter and NETS-S Powerpoint because I really enjoy using technology to be artistic and creative. Although I use the new version of iMovie a lot to make movies, I found iMovie HD frustrating for a few reasons. My least favorite assignments though were the EdTech profile because it felt like "busy work", and the rubric only because I did not enjoy the gliches of Google Docs at all. Overall I really enjoyed the class and assignments!
I would have to say my favorite assignment thus far has been the utilization of a collaborative Wiki. Just in case my future employer does not have a program analogous to WebCT, I would love to incorporate a Wiki for my class. A Wiki can provide an educational environment outside of the classroom which can include a discussion board and resources related to the sciences and their community.
Favorite: inspiration. i love using inspiration! so fun!
Least favorite: journals! I hate reading!
but i loved this class:)
The imovie was my favorite assignment because I surprised myself with the finished product. I didn't think I would be able to bring everything together the way I did :)
I actually really enjoyed making the newsletter and inspiration graphic organizer. I enjoyed designing and being creative with these assignments, so they were the most enjoyable to complete.
My least favorite assignment was the social bookmarking. Not that it wasn't helpful for future use, it was just a lot to bookmark and follow specific instructions on! =P
My favorite assignment was the PowerPoint because I've done one before and for me was easier to remember. I did not like the journals much!!
My favorite assignment was the class newsletter. I enjoyed putting it together and getting creative with it.
My favorite assignment was probably the powerpoint project because I was able to use a degree of creativity in a medium that I was somewhat familiar with along with learning other tools. The least favorite was the iMovie project because I felt lost and confused the majority of the time and wasn't able to implement any ideas.
Favorite assignment would have to be the newsletter. I always liked to make them in grade school and it is nice to know how to do a better one now. Least favorite would have to be the iMovie only because it is frustrating...but its cool.
My favorite assignment was the imovie. I have this software on my home computer and I never knew how to use it. This is not only a great tool for students but something I can use outside of school.
My favorite assignment has been the iMovie project. It was fun and I could see using the new knowledge in school and at home. My least favorite assignment was the copyright project. Just a little less cool than everything else, ya know.
Least Favorite? can't think of one-I learned from it all!
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