I know that the summer schedule is a bit crazy and there is a lot to absorb and accomplish; however, I also know that many, many previous students have been successful. . .and you will too!
You should have noticed that the class blogroll is up. Now, you can learn about each other and leave your three comments!!
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Tonight we will go over how to take a screen selection and paste into Word for the EdTechProfile assignment. I will also introduce you to Del.icio.us, where you will begin your Social Bookmark assignment. Then I will discuss Journal's 1-6 (see requirements in webCT) and assign the first journal: Journal 1
For this assignment, you will read two short articles, "Extreme Makeover: Updating Class Activities for the 21st Century," and "Blogging Right Along." For Journal 1, each article will get 1 questions w/response (again, see the instructions).
If time permits, we will begin the Newsletter assignment as well. I am literally still undecided on how to proceed with this, which means that I will probably use my old assignment.
This week's Question: What is your all-time or current favorite teacher movie and why?
I just saw Freedom Writers and I would have to say that is my current favorite teacher movie. It is very inspirational and demonstrates that at the end of the day we have allot more in common with the person next to us than we might think. It also talks about prejudice and racism and how in essence we tend to continually perpetiate this hatred amongst each other. This is something I learned allot about in Education 350 and 364, which I just got done taking the first part of the summer session.
My all time favorite teacher movie is Stand and Deliver. The reason why the teacher saw the potential of the students who placed in the low math could do better. Then he never gave up on his students even when they were accused of cheating on the Calculus test. He fought for them to retake the test. Even when they retook the test, some did same or even better then before. I never miss that movie when it is on.
I would have to say that stand and deliver is my favorite teacher movie. It also happens to be the only teacher movie i can think of:) But I've always loved the movie for it's inspiring story of overcoming odds set by the world around us. Society puts lables on everything and everyone and i am a firm beleiver that those lables hold people back in life. This movie shows how people can break free from their lables and change for the better!
I would have to say that Dangerous Minds is my all time favorite teacher movie. Michelle Pfeiffer incredibly inspiring in the movie. She was given students that nobody else cared about and proved everyone wrong. It is awesome to see that passion to drive the students and help guide them to find their potential. All teachers should want to help students find what drives them. I want to be inspiring to my future students.
I really cannot say that I've seen to many "teacher movies" but my all-time favorite...is actually 2..."Lean on Me" with Morgan Freedman, and "The Great Debators" with Denzel Washington. Very inspiring.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off would be my favorite teacher movie. Why? Ben Stein as an economic teacher and Mr. Rooney! The movie is a classic it's the ideal ditch day for any high schooler. I have actually had a teacher like the one that Ben Stein plays both in high school and college. For a serious movie...Mr. Holland's Opus. Why? Because it deals with the on-going issue of attitudes towards the deaf and the cutting of arts programs in public schools across the United States.
To Sir with Love is one of my favorites. Sidney Poitier plays Mr. Thackeray or "Sir" to his students. Basically Mark Thackeray takes a teaching job because he is out of work. Being an African American engineer in Britain isn't as lucrative as he assumed it would be. So he decides to take a job at London's West End Secondary School. He arrives in a classroom full of misfits and delinquents. He desides to teach his student about real life and not life out of books...because they will soon be out in the real world, changes his students. They go from being rebellious youths to mature adults, because of this mans refusal to back down...if you haven't seen this movie GO!
I'd have to say my favorite teacher movie that I can think of is Kindergarten Cop. I havent seen it in awhile but I used to love watching it! I found it to be very humorous and an all around good movie. I enjoyed seeing how Arnold Schwarzenegger bonded with the little kids in the class. I also really want to see Freedom Writers. Someone gave me the book as a gift recently and I have just began reading it. I've heard so many good things about it and I like that its based on a true story. I'm sure it will be one of my favorites once I see it.
I like Akeela and the Bee. It is the story of a girl in a South Central L.A. middle school. She has a gift for spelling, but is afraid she will be ostracized by the other kids for being a "brain". Her English professor coaches her and encourages her to enter spelling competitions. The tecaher is her mentor and inspires her to pursue her talent. It is uplifting and inspiring and also entertaining. The message of the movie is really about learning who you are and not being afraid to use your talents.
Two of my favorite teacher movies are Good Will Hunting and The Dead Poet's Society. Inspiring stories with real life (mostly) drama. Can't go wrong.
One of my favorite teacher movies is American History X. The principal at the high school gives his students he chance to excel no matter what their cultural differences are. He has high expectations of his students and is willing to work in a low-socio economic school even though he has two PHD's. He is willing to make a difference in his students' lives.
It is a tough one! I would have to say The Ron Clark Story or Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. These two movies are similar because a teacher comes into a inner-city school with the challenges of burnt out teachers, gangs, unsupportive parents and end up working well with the kids in order for the students to realize their potential.
Yes a little cheesy, but I love it!
I haven't seen many "teacher movies" but I did see Take The Lead and found it entertaining. It showed that even though there were kids from all different backgrounds, they all were learning one thing that they all had in common which was dancing. Although at first most of the students were resistant, but the idea that anything is possible changed how many viewed anything and everything they put their minds to. Plus its got fun music.
This is an easy one - "To Sir With Love" with Syndey Poitier and Lulu. I loved the song years before I saw the movie, but once I saw the film, it was only reinforced. I love this movie because it's a great testament to a teacher making a difference. "Sir" initially took the teaching position in a low-income London neighborhood until an engineering job was to become available. He was the only black man in an all white high school. so he was definitely out of his comfort zone. These kids were used to abusing teachers and getting away with it; they were the throw-away kids that no one wanted to mess with. "Sir" took a lot of abuse from these kids before ultimately earning their respect and love. At the end of the first school term, he was offered an engineering position. However, when he got a sampling of the punks coming up in the next term, he figured he was needed more at the school and he tore up the engineer job offer. Oh, I also love how "60s" the movie is with the music and clothing.
Great ending!
Oh, I love them all. I am torn between Kindergarten Cop (because who doesn't love the Governator?!) and Stand and Deliver. As an aspiring math teacher I find Stand and Deliver especially inspirational. My high school AP Calculus teacher was not quite as intense as Edward James Olmos but she was a close. She is the person who inspired me to teach and hope to continue the tradition.
Although I liked all of the movies mentioned below, I wanted to name a different one. I really enjoyed School of Rock! The movie was not only entertaining, but also showed how important electives such as a art and music are in schools. These electives allow children to find and showcase their talents that are not always as fully recognized as traditional academic achievements.
I have 2 favorite teacher movies. My two favorites are Remember the Titans and Dead Poet's Society. I am a big sports buff and having a coach expect so much from his team but also serve as a mentor reminds me of my favorite teacher. My 7th grade teacher was very demanding and expected a lot from his students and when you needed the help he was definitely there. Dead Poet's Society is just a classic movie to me. Having a teacher inspire you to go against the status quo and be who you are is great and having professors here at this school who continue this train of thought is great to find!
I would have to say that School of Rock is my favorite teacher movie. Jack Black shows the importance of fun in education. I will try my ability to provide lesson plans that students can engage in a fun mannered way opposing to old text book lesson plans.
Akeelah and the Bee and Mona Lisa Smile are both good teracher movies in my book. They both demonstrate the difference an educator can make in the lives of thier students. I have also hearn about a mockumentary called "Chalk" that is suppossed to be funny. Has anyone seen it?
I would have to say that my favorite movie would be Remember the Titans. The coach that comes to work for the team becomes a teacher. He teaches many things to the players, coaches, and even the community. Some of those things are to have tolerence, work together, there is no "I" in team and respect. It is an inspirational movie and never gets old!!!
My favorite teacher movie would have to be School of Rock. I thought it was a very entertaining and unique way of presenting arts into education. Though the movie was humorous, it really opened my eyes to a new way of teaching and learning.
I would have to say that my favorite teacher movie is Dangerous Minds. I love the fact how students can change. Michelle Pfeifer is great too.
Still Stand And Deliver. Inspiring math teaching movie says it all.
Does Billy Madison count? Miss Lippy is inspirational.
Also I must add this...Pablo Francisco off of Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trrb9FDfuGo
I like Stand and Deliver because it is more realistic than a lot of others. Probably because it is based on a true story. I have personal experience with students who live in a violent and poverty ridden world. I find a lot of movies very unrealistic regarding the time it takes to build trust with students. I do know that students will respond to someone who cares about their lives though.
Also, in all these movies the teacher has only one class in high school. Where is that district? Mars?
But perhaps the films do instruct those who have no frame of reference for teaching the underserved. It is certainly a national and worldwide disgrace that we allow our children to live lives such as this. While I have been in California one of my 16 year old students was shot and killed. There was no mention about him on CNN or MSNBC. The papers in New York barely mentioned the incident. Because he was in "a gang" and shot in Harlem he was not newsworthy. If he had been missing from a island while on vacation and blond and white and attractive we would have heard about him endlessly. Sad, sad, sad.
My favorite teacher movie is Coach Carter. Samuel Jackson plays the high school basketball coach in a poor area of Richmond,CA. Through the sport and his strict regimen coach Carter helped his athletes to suceed in life.
My favorite teacher movie is "Freedom Writers". This movie is a true story about a new teacher that takes an job teaching English in a "tough" school. The teacher finds new ways to make the material relevant to students who had no idea that they were so similar to the characters they were reading about. Each student also begins writing in a journal as a requirement for the class. The students find strength and wisdom through their own writing as well as their peers experiences. The movie is both inspirational and eye-opening. It is acutally one of my favorite movies of all times.
"The Principle" with Jim Belushi depicts a corrupt, apathetic, and gang ridden school system that resembles "Escape from New York" more than reality. If I try to keep this example in mind, anything I may face in the classroom will seem petty.
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