Wow, last class. . .seems like only yesterday we were talking about our favorite trashy TV show. . .oh wait, that was only 5 weeks ago ;-) I see the end of class of more of a beginning of your new future as a tech-savvy individual.
I have graded everything except a handfull of copyright assignments, so please check your grades so you can ask any questions before the end of the evening.
Tonight: The goal is for most everyone to walk out of here finished with the narratives. We will spend a little time working independently, then we will discuss the narratives, do the evaluations, and; hopefully, go home.
I hope that you all feel a lot more confident with the computer and your ability to foster student technology growth in the classroom. I also expect that you will continue to utilize some of the tools that we learned in class. Please feel free to contact me in the future with any further questions.
Last Question: I believe that education and learning is a social, collaborative process. As such, I work very hard to build community in my classes. Everyone has something to contribute in the process. So I ask you, what did you contribute to this class? (not, what you learned, but how did your presence add to the overall learning process?)
I would say that I contributed to the overall excitement and of course, Bohemian Rhapsody solos.
I would definitely say without me the Red Team wouldn't have been created, it would have been a little quieter in the classroom and can we say solos!!!
good times.
The night we talked about Delicious tabs, I contributed "Ghost Hunting" as an idea and that lead to us finding some random guy on the net through his Delicious tabs. Turned out he may have been kind of a perv! Anyway, it added a little humor to the evening.
I would have to say that I probably helped others feel capable in the class because if I can do it, anyone can do it!
My presence added to the overall learning process because I was able to collaborate with me peers on several projects. I also helped a few of them with some of the assignments.
I asked a lot of questions that probably helped others out as well as myself! My name card was consistently red...
I brought snacks into class a few times. This gave us a little sugar rush and kept us just delirious enough to make it through the whole class. Plus, when we worked together, I was able to ask and/or answer questions that benefited those around me. What would you have done if you did not get to listen in to our gossip? ;)
I was able to help a few people with their assignments because I was familiar with some of the technologies already. I also had fun with the assignments and I think we added to the general livliness of the room!
I like to think I was a fairly helpful peer tutor. I am far from a tech genius, but through trial and error I figured out most of this stuff and then did my part to share the knowledge.
I know that whenever I sat next to anyone that needed help with their project of the day, I did my best to come to their rescue even though most of the time I was as clueless as they were. Overall, my presence made no difference in this class.
I feel that I have contributed to the class because I was able to help out my peers with work that they were stuck on or questions they felt I could answer.
I contributed by being a good classmate and not being super loud when others were trying to work. I was also able to help some classmates with their assignments -kind of-.
I feel that I gave Jennifer comic relief every Tuesday and Thursday nights because my brain would stop working at around 9 or so :) Other than that I was able to answer some questions that my classmates had about various assignments.
I believe in community in a classroom too. My contribution to this class was trying my best to help others when they had questions. I have a limited knowledge base when it comes to technology, however if I knew the answer to a question, I would take the time out and try to solve the problem. I was lucky enough that my peers were willing to do the same for me!
I think I contributed help to my peers when I understood the assignment. In this class, I knew how to do half of these assignments we did and I definitely did not know how to do half of the assignments.
I felt that the times I was most giving of myself to the class was when I was giving technical aid. Not to say that I am any sort of expert of technology, but it seems that what I have picked up along the way while just experiencing what I have, I have learned enough to be of a little bit of help to others.
I think I contributed to the class by helping others when they needed it and contributing my ideas when working with others. I am a very quiet person so I did not say much but its the effort that counts right? lol
I would say that I contributed by just being here...Im not trying to be smart or toot my own horn, but just being apart of a group of people who are so dedicated to a profession we want to be apart of is just amazing. We all worked really hard, but we did it...and that determination will carry us through. Let me tell you guys...Its only just begun! I know because I see the word of education from both sides of the fence. As a student in an educational college and as a front line staff manning the trenches everyday. This type of situation happens in my classroom on a daily basis, but you learn to adapt and overcome.
Good luck to all of you!
I helped a few fellow classmates when they had questions. because i am a veteran of the class i was able to help out a little more than i usually can. I think thats about it.
Well, I needed help from some of my peers and you Jeff, but also I was able to help a little bit some of my peers!
I liked the fact that this class felt like a community in that we learned how to collaborate and learned from each other. I felt that I contributed by helping my fellow classmates whenever they needed help. I was happy to stop what I was doing and teach them how to do what they needed.
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