Itz moovie time!!
Hopefully, you took good notes from the last class on how to use iMovie. . .but if you didn't, there are some video links in webCT that should help explain the project. Ensure you get a printed copy of the checklist, check that you have completed every requirement, then ask for me or a peer who has been checked off to grade your project. As we are not also doing a social justice movie, I have higher expectations for the finished product. . .create a good PSA that may encourage someone to attend CSUSM. . .and don't forget to insert some relevant data!
I'm sure you are all knee-deep in work, but you have all evening to work on your movie and any unfinished work you may have. My goal is to get everything graded this weekend so that you can make any corrections Tuesday evening and then begin to write the narratives! If you are all caught up, you can begin to write the narratives this weekend. . .and don't forget about retaking the EdTechProfile.
We will work on the narratives on Tuesday. . .start really thinking about which assignments or past work should be used as artifacts for the NETS-T. Look back at your Inspiration and add information that represents your newly acquired MAD TECH SKILLZ!
Tonight's Question: Who has been your favorite teacher and why? What makes a good teacher?