Wow, last class. . .seems like only yesterday we were talking about our favorite trashy TV show. . .oh wait, that was only 5 weeks ago ;-) I see the end of class of more of a beginning of your new future as a tech-savvy individual.
I have graded everything except a handfull of copyright assignments, so please check your grades so you can ask any questions before the end of the evening.
Tonight: The goal is for most everyone to walk out of here finished with the narratives. We will spend a little time working independently, then we will discuss the narratives, do the evaluations, and; hopefully, go home.
I hope that you all feel a lot more confident with the computer and your ability to foster student technology growth in the classroom. I also expect that you will continue to utilize some of the tools that we learned in class. Please feel free to contact me in the future with any further questions.
Last Question: I believe that education and learning is a social, collaborative process. As such, I work very hard to build community in my classes. Everyone has something to contribute in the process. So I ask you, what did you contribute to this class? (not, what you learned, but how did your presence add to the overall learning process?)